Thanks a bunch, RedFox!: )No problem. BTW, a quick list of what Angel includes:. The core Cinematic Unisystem (duh). Very simple rules for ritual magic (more fleshed-out stuff is in Buffy's Magic Box supplement, but not needed). A variety of Qualities and Drawbacks geared towards a modern occult game. A system for building demons that can be used for anything supernatural or strange, such as robots. It's a modular design, using Qualities and Drawbacks to build your critters.
A nice little chunk of change on investigation-style scenarios. What's missing is mass combat rules (found in Army of Darkness). Other than that, it pretty much has everything every other Cinematic Unisystem game has and then some. It's far from generic, however.
As mentioned, it's very much a modern occult game, so you'll have to tweak it a bit to get it to run, say, fantasy or space opera. It´s much like the altered versions of GURPS lite on the back of WW II and Transhuman Space, right? Is there any 'neutral' Unisystem core book planned? Fortunately, modern occult games is what I play the most, but what I´m really looking for is an alternative to GURPS - love it, but I´m in need of new players and GURPS is quite intimidating.Hmm.
Well, Angel's definetely biased toward the setting, though it's fairly easy to tweak. There is no neutral Unisystem Corebook planned, but 'Beyond Human' was announced ages ago and is going to cover everything suprahuman, with an emphasis on supernaturals. Many Unisystem fans are hoping it'll be the Cinematic Unisystem generic universal corebook they've long waited for.
I don't think it'll be quite as generic as all that, but regardless it's been in production for ages and there's no sign it'll be released anytime soon. To be honest, you might be better off grabbing a Standard Unisystem book, such as WitchCraft (free for pdf download, so you can try before you buy a hardcopy) or All Flesh Must Be Eaten, and then buy whatever genre books you need for AFMBE, which are more generic genre splats + zombies than specifically zombie horror supplements.
Standard Unisystem's not that much harder than regular Unisystem to understand and use (and conversion to Cinematic is fairly painless). In fact, compared to GURPS it's downright simple.
The only real difference is the lack of non-rolled NPCs, which you can introduce yourself, and the addition of two secondary Attributes (Essence and Endurance Point pools) and a more extensive skill list. If I wanted generic, Standard Unisystem is the way I'd go. My suggestion: Get Angel, then buy The Magic Box for Buffy. With that, you can piece together a much-expanded magic system.
The only 'module' you won't have then is the mass combat system from AoD. Unfortunately, there's not just a Generic Unisystem book. For the full system (used in WitchCraft, Armageddon, Terra Primate, and AFMBE) the closest is All Flesh Must Be Eaten, which has no 'default' setting. It's just a game about zombies and the people who try not to feed them. There are genre books for the wild west, pulp, fantasy, martial arts, and so on. (Soon to be swashbuckling action and Sci Fi) For the Cinematic system (Buffy, etc.) eventually there may be Beyond Human, which is a game built to handle just about any kind of paranormal, superhuman, etc.
Type of action. Like AFMBE, there's no 'default' setting, just a bunch of potential settings the GM can work out if he doesn't just make up his own. For now the best we can do is pick and choose elements from the existing licensed games. Angel has all the basic rules, keen rules for organizations, and a nice selection of supernatural powers that will do low-end supers, demons and vampires, or just about anything else shy of the big red S.
(Superman) It also has a magic system, but only ritual magic. Fireball slinging wizards can be roughed out with supernatural powers - or else you just go pirate The Magic Box, which is a Buffy supplement, but there's enough info in it that you don't strictly NEED Buffy to make sense of it.